Femme Fatale: How To - Makeup, Hair, Accessories Step-by-step Review

Femme Fatale: How To - Makeup, Hair, Accessories Step-by-step
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I am recommending this DVD to any belly dance student who is not yet comfortable with applying makeup and for those who want to know how to get a more dramatic look. This is not just for belly dancers, though. This is for anyone who wants a dramatic look to go out to dinner for the evening, or go dancing, be it clubbing, salsa, or ballroom!
This DVD also covers three hairstyles that are made easy by the step by step instruction. Note that the hair styles are Victorian, 1920's fingerwaves, and the Lolita look that is accomplished with hair falls. The best and most fun way to use this video is to set up your mirror and makeup and follow along with Jeniviva. Have fun!

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