Wee Sing Together (1985) Review

Wee Sing Together  (1985)
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First, how I came to be watching this superb kid's video. I'm working on a lady's computer. In the same room is her TV, over to my left. Her 3-year-old granddaughter is watching this video, singing along, dancing, clapping, reciting the words spoken.
Not a bad kid's film, thought I. It was about the third time around that I found myself getting into it and humming along. The little actress in the red party dress is wonderful as Sally. Her dancing is lively and animated, yet so natural. Her expressions are perfect, not gee-whizish when gee-whiz isn't called for. Good singing voice. She's every bit as good as Shirley Temple was at the same age -- more natural and less theatrical. The other players do their jobs, too. The marching band is good and the kids' pantomimic playing of trombones, flutes and other instruments is a nice little touch.
The tight beat of the music, the sharpness of the drums, the one-voice sound of the choral singing all combine to give the music a captivating quality.
Amazon.com's review wasn't quite the back of a hand, but wasn't much above it. Garish? I thought the production was colorful. Poorly lit? It sparkled for me. Amateurishly shot and edited? With more than 30 syndicated TV shows under my producer/director belt I didn't see those defects. A comprimised choice for kids? After 15 years this video is still Amazon's number 12 best-seller for kid sing-alongs, has sold in the millions of copies. The lady whose computer I was working on said this he her 3rd copy of Wee Sing Together -- wore out the other two. The slip cover was positively tattered from use. Maybe Amazon needs kid reviewers for kid material.
Lacking that, old fogies like me will do. When I returned the next day with computer parts the lady thoughtfully tuned the TV to the History Channel. "Uh ... well ... Norma, do you have that Wee Sing video handy?"

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