Bloody Reunion (2006) Review

Bloody Reunion (2006)
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Through the past couple of years the Korean film industry have made a couple of amazing films and have been more recognized with mainstream audiences. The good thing about Bloody Reunion is that it tells an original storyline instead of being yet another Ringu or Ju-on rippoff I think that the female ghost with long black hair has been done a million times before so its refreshing to see something different. Bloody reunion is a full blooded slasher film, a group of South Korean former class mates are invited to a reunion in a nice cottage located in the countryside. They meet one of their old teachers who is now in a wheelchair however tension and resentment within the group start to surface as the evening progresses and before long a mysterious figure wearing a rabbit mask starts violently killing the group one by one, there were a few nasty looking torture scenes as well as the deaths being very gruesome one character is forced to eat razor blades which is not like the typical supernatural horror film from Asia and the plot was very clever you wouldn't figure out the twist at the end and it was fairly interesting at its subject matter, I think it was about the value of friendship so its also a psychological thriller/drama. We soon find out what psychological damage the bad teacher has inflicted on her students even though some scenes were a bit melodramatic the film was terrific and very compelling to watch, the film was also visually stunning and nicely shot. I was very impressed with this film even though its not perfect the film was very good, if you liked Bloody Reunion then I highly recommend these other Korean horror films Tale of two sisters, Phone (A ringu rippoff but still good), The doll master, Into the mirror and Tell me something.

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