2033: Future Apocalypse (2009) Review

2033: Future Apocalypse (2009)
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Synopsis: 2033 Mexico City, a group of rebels try to overthrow a corporation controlled government that has been controlling the population with a synthetic altered food supply.
The Sci-Fi genre has long been one of my favorite genres to watch. And while this genre is often anchored it's picturesque visual vistas and elaborate special effects. Another area in which many of the most memorable Sci-Fi films excel is the way in which effortlessly mix social commentary in the story at hand.

Going into 2033: Future Apocalypse, I was not sure what to expect. I honestly can say that I have never seen a Mexican produced Sci-Fi film. With the bulk of my exposure to Mexican cinema being to their more Horror themed films.

From a plot stand point, 2033: Future Apocalypse presents many interesting ideas and yet it also leaves just as many things unresolved. The film's ending instantly coming to mind. The film spends the bulk of its opening act setting up who everyone it and what their motivations are. With the only character that resides in a grey area being the film's protagonist Pablo. When we are first introduced to this character his is a spoiled young man, who comes from a affluent family that has strong ties to those currently in control of the government. His mother is married to the most powerful man in the government. Pablo as a character does not take form until he learns that his biological father, a notorious rebel leader is still alive and from their he changes his path. From there he joins forces with the rebel forces trying to overthrow the totalitarian government.

A few areas in which this does often exceed expectations are its uses of special effects and its production design that does a very good making the locations used for this film look futuristic. Performance wise things are not as strong as they could have been. With no one performance leaving any lasting impression. Some of the short comings of the performance could be blamed on the lack of character development, while the majority of it being the one dimensionality of the majority of these characters.
In all, the plot is overly ambitious and in the end it never fully realizes its full potential. Also the at times does tend to lean more towards style over substance. And while there are many instances in which this works in its favor. There are just as many times in which this work's against the film's attempt as putting the what is unfolding into a deeper context.
The DVD:
Cinema Epoch presents 2033: Future Apocalypse is presented in an anamorphic widescreen that retains the films original aspect ratio. Colors are nicely saturated and flesh tones look accurate. Details look crisp and black levels fare well. There are no problems with compression and the image remains stable throughout.
This release comes with one audio option, a Dolby Digital stereo mix in Spanish and removable English subtitles have been included with this release. Dialog is always clear, everything sounds balanced and robust when it needs too.
Extras for this release include a trailer for the film (1 minute 31 seconds - anamorphic widescreen, in Spanish with English subtitles) and a stills gallery. Also included with this release is a promo image gallery of titles that are available on DVD from Cinema Epoch. Overall 2033: Future Apocalypse gets a strong audio / video presentation from Cinema Epoch.

Review taken from 10,000 Bullets.

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