Sex and Buttered Popcorn Collection Review

Sex and Buttered Popcorn Collection
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In the 30's and 40's, the exploitation film business was at its peak. Promoters and producers like the legendary David F. Friedman and Dan Sonney "bicycled" their prints from town to town across heartland America. With titles like, "Child Bride," "They Wear No Clothes," "She Shoulda Said No," "Strip Tease Girl," "Reefer Madness," "Dance Hall Racket," "Victims of Passion" "Tia Juana After Midnite," Flesh Merchant," and "A Virgin In Hollywood" they packed drive-ins in the sticks, small town main street theaters and skid row scratch houses for a week and moved on. The movies, made for the lowest possible price, had several things in common: a subject too controversial for main stream studios, a moral message that incorporated a lurid title with the highest possible titillation factor, cheap sets, bad acting and the willingness of the "actresses" to wear skimpy clothing or none at all.
"SEX AND BUTTERED POPCORN" (VCI Entertainment, ...) is a magnificent four disc, ten hour, set that mines this rich lode of exploitation films from six decades ago. "Sex and Buttered Popcorn" also the title of the stand alone disc..., is a terrific two hour plus documentary narrated by Ned Beatty with numerous film clips, lurid trailers and bonus shorts including a vintage Tempest Storm strip tease in color. Three additional discs, "Tease, Sleaze and Social Disease," "Sex, Sin and Salvation" and "Grandad's Forbidden Follies," each feature several full length classics of these accurately labeled sub genres and include ample bonus material, mostly vintage "nudie cuties" and wonderfully lurid exploitation poster art.
I had a lot of fun watching this wonderful collection of often hysterically funny, pseudo serious films on so called taboo subjects. Far more entertaining in fact than most DVD releases. However,"S&BPC" is also a fascinating look at this misunderstood fringe of the film industry. Writer director Sam Harrison, III, should consider doing a sequel on the earliest days of the somewhat darker territory of the Peep Show "loops" and the people who starred in and distributed them.

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