Puppet Master Boxset Review

Puppet Master Boxset
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The Puppet Master movies have never been considered high art by any means but they can be very entertaining in the nice B-Movie vein. What makes the series so likeable is the unique puppet characters and nifty effects. Sure the series starts to take a nose dive towards the end (with "Curse of the.." and "Retro...") but again what franchise doesn't? Charles Band's (a well known name in the world of low budget horror and science fiction) Full Moon Entertainment always releases their films with eye catching cover art and plenty of behind-the-scenes footage. Full Moon always seemed to be taking the consumers and fans in the highest regard when it came to VHS. Now let see how they treated the fans for the now ultra rare box set of the Puppet Master series.
The Box set at first glance seems like a well done job. We get all 7 Puppet Master movies housed in a nice box with a bonus disc called "45 Trailer Reel". All the movies contain their original box art (Except the box to Puppet Master has the title changed to "Puppet Master I" making me wonder if Full Moon thought their fans were morons) but the printing on the inserts isn't the highest quality. This is easily forgiven. All the DVDs contain amazing menu designs that are all animated and are like little cartoons themselves. Every DVD also contains the original behind the scenes "Videozone" as well as cast and crew bios so the extras were good.
The picture quality for the most part is on par with other Full Moon releases. Overall the digital transfer isn't great and is sub-par to other big name film companies such as MGM and Warner Bros. Still the films are far from unwatchable. The only film that didn't make the grade when it came to picture quality was Puppet Master II. The picture quality on this DVD is pathetic and worse than its VHS counterpart. The film has moments when the picture even goes digital. It hits its ultimate low when towards the end of the film the picture gets an annoying wavy effect traveling down the screen. I can't believe Full Moon released this movie with such a terrible transfer. It's a shame because every box set that was made has this terrible version of Puppet Master II with the wavy picture. (whats even more strange is the "stock footage" from Puppet Master II that was edited into Curse of the Puppet Master also contains the wavy effect).
Other than the Puppet Master II DVD, this box set is a great way to get all the Puppet Master movies in one place. There's not much for new for extras as the Videozone's were previously released on the VHS tapes but its still great to have them. The box set would garner a 4 rating if it weren't for the sub-par treatment of the Puppet Master II DVD. Hopefully if Full Moon ever gets the rights issues resolved with Paramount Pictures they will re-release the box set and fix the problem with the Puppet Master II transfer.

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