The Best of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (10 Episode Collector's Edition) (1983) Review

The Best of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (10 Episode Collector's Edition) (1983)
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IT'S FINALLY HERE! I feel like I've been waiting all my life for "He-Man" to be released on DVD...and the day has finally come!
First of all, He-Man has never looked better. I was absolutely thrilled when I picked up this DVD set and saw how cool the packaging was. The cover and interior photos are fabulous, and the DVD set comes with two 4 x 6 postcards featuring "Masters of the Universe" comic book art. It's gorgeous!
Now on to the best part...the DVDs themselves! This is a two-disc collection of ten classic "He-Man" episodes. Fans of the show were actually given the opportunity to vote on the episodes they wanted to include on the Web site several months ago...I'm thrilled that some of my favorite episodes were included! The restoration of the cartoon is looks absolutely beautiful, with no graniness at all! The sound is greet, the navigation menus are great, and the bonus features are FABULOUS! In addition to two feature-length documentaries, there's also a sneak preview of upcoming "He-Man" releases. Beginning this fall, all 130 episodes of the series will be released in four special edition DVD boxed sets. I'M SO EXCITED! The only thing that would make me happier is if "She-Ra" follows suit...and I have a feeling it will!
Even if you plan on buying the complete series when it is released, this special collector's edition is a must-have for any fan...and the price is unbelievable! I would have paid a hundred bucks to have my favorite childhood cartoon series on DVD! (Oops...I'd better be careful who I say that to!) Pick up your copy of "He-Man" on DVD today!

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