Love Beat the Hell Outta Me (2000) Review

Love Beat the Hell Outta Me (2000)
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As a viewer from the U.K. it can be quite difficult acquiring African-American films. I really do enjoy watching this type of film, but I can honestly say that watching this could have put me off for life.
All of the men in the film were in serious need of medical attention and all of the women were acting no better than women employed in the oldest profession (only they weren't getting paid for it). The men were suffering from so much fustration, anger and agression that you could not understand what they were saying half of the time.
You had to watch the film about 3 times just to understand it (and that's if you could stay awake for long enough).
It was lucky to even get one star in the rating and I think that I did you all a favour by watching it and reviewing it so you wouldn't have to.
To summarise,DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY OR TIME. getting this one.

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