Dinosaur (2000) Review

Dinosaur  (2000)
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I thought a lot about this review.
I'm an animation buff, so I can well say that this film received the maximum rank on animation - the amount of details and thought that was put into every movement and shot is admirable, and the result shows. It is certain that the animators did an excellent job - even went down to details such as having the muscles of the dinosaurs vibrate when the foot hits the floor. Sometimes I actually forgot that this was an animation movie, and mistook it for a National Geographic feature.
The story, on the other hand, is rather disappointing. It seems like the development process stopped after the story became reasonable. The characters are only skin-deep, and it is frustrating for someone who had already seen a couple of movies before that this one brings nothing new to the screen. It's sad to notice so many 'deja vu's while watching, seeing so many thing that you have already seen before, especially that the main character - Aladar - is an orphan dinosaur raised by monkeys, carries a close resemblance to Disney's previous feature, Tarzan.
Two thumbs up for the music - it really hits the spot. The composer captured every moment so naturally that it fits like a glove. Nothing I say can convey the impression, so you might as well see it for yourself.
All in all, an amazing animation feature with a weak plot. This film - in itself - receives 4 stars from me, although if I had calculated my impression on the Collector's edition, I would have definitely lowered it to 3. It simply wasn't worth the extra money I added. The second DVD contains very little material, and I really expected more from a highly documented production such as this one to include more material. People purchase this item to get more information about the animation process, and I really feel like I wanted more. I really think that I should have bought the regular edition and saved some cash.

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Travel 65 million years into the past and experience the age of the dinosaurs in mind-blowing Blu-ray High Definition. DINOSAUR, Disney's landmark special effects spectacular, makes an evolutionary leap through the revolutionary new Blu-ray technology. For the first time ever, witness the film's dazzling meteor storm and all of Aladar's breathtaking battles in brilliant 1080p. Prepare for a stunning auditory experience with 5.1 48 kHz, 24-bit uncompressed sound -- from the thundering footsteps of the deadly carnosaurs to the smallest leaf blowing in the breeze. You've never experienced DINOSAUR like this. Go beyond everyday entertainment with Blu-ray High Definition.

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