Siren (1996) Review

Siren (1996)
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This is NOT a movie. It is about 40 minutes of music and supposedly erotic scenes of women. The dialog consists of about 30 seconds total. The first sequence is OK, because you believe these two women are in love. I say OK, because the filming was more into imagery and didn't show "the good stuff" (you see alot of the sheets but not a lot of skin). The other sequences were downright gross and offensive. The women were slutty and were not made to look even remotely attractive. The one woman from the first sequence that you thought was in love is just a slut too! I found this movie boring and gross (after the first sequence) and actually did hit the skip forward at least five times. My advice is don't waste your money. If you want a love story, this isn't it. If you want soft porn, this isn't it either.

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