Families Are Special (1995) Review

Families Are Special  (1995)
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"Families are Special" is one of my child's (and my) personal all-time "Barney & Friends" favorites! Basically the show revolves around Tosha having a big surprise for everyone. She finally gives part of the surprise away and tells the others that her mom had a baby. For the remainder of the show Barney and the other children (Shawn, Kathy, Min, and David) are anxiuosly awaiting Tosha's surprise. After the children talk about how different people are special in their own ways and telling Tosha some special things that she can do with the new baby, Tosha suddenly shows everyone her surprise, and it is....well I'm not going to tell, you'll just have to get the movie and find out for yourself. I would recommend this video to any young child especially for families that are expecting a new baby.

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