Men on the Move Review

Men on the Move
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I was looking for a new comedy release and spotted the "Men on the Move" DVD cover which promised something funny. The storyline was humorous so I ordered the DVD. Two days later it was one of those days. A bad commute to work. Nothing went right. Everyone was cranky. I arrived home and the "Men on the Move" DVD was in the mailbox. My husband and I ate dinner and then started watching the movie. We were instantly smiling and then cracking up laughing. What a delightful inventive comedy. Watching this movie changed a crappy day into a great day. We are still laughing and talking about the crazy characters in this movie. Besides being a funny movie it also had an interesting and entertaining story. I definitely recommend it.

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(Widescreen format) FRIENDS, A SUPERMODEL AND WHERE THE HELL DID MY MONEY GO?Mike McGrawis about to become a millionaire, but complications endanger his fortune.His well meaning friends rush to his rescue only to screw up his life even more.Mike struggles with the police, his Supermodel girlfriend, a cougar, bullies, criminals and a black widow as he attempts to save his fortune and put his life back together.These wild characters lead us on a hysterical oddball comedy adventure you won't want to miss."Men on the Move" made its theatrical premiere at the AMC Theaters in DownTown DIsney on August 24th 2009 at Indie Fest USA.
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Flubber (1997) Review

Flubber  (1997)
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I am opposed to remakes in general. Rarely are they as good as the original. I have thought, and continue to think, that remakes are a way to admit that filmmakers are not as creative as they once were, and a remake begins with a completed product. Having said all that, I did like this movie. The movie has problems, but I managed to ignore the problems and have a few good laughs.
Professor Philip Brainard (Robin Williams) is a science genius. Professor Brainard has enough inventions in his house to keep a fleet of patent agents and attorneys busy for years. However, the movie ignores such trivialities to focus on Professor Brainard's need to develop a cheap source of power. The story has Brainard focusing on his pursuit of cheap power to the exclusion of his fiancée Dr. Sara Jean Reynolds (Marcia Gay Harden) and his impending marriage to her. Brainard also seems to be oblivious that Wilson Croft is out to steal his girl, his inventions and sink the college at which they are employed, all at the same time.
Robin Williams is in good form, providing laughs throughout the film. While Fred MacMurray had an air of absent-minded innocence that Williams fails to achieve, Williams brings his own style to the role and does a good job. Marcia Gay Harden almost seems unnecessary to the film though I did like her character. Williams's frenetic characterization of Brainard makes everyone else seem mundane in comparison.
Two of the biggest stars in this movie are special effects, the flubber and a flying robot. The flubber sings and dances and squeaks like a mouse. The robot watches too many soap operas and movies and is jealous of Sara Jean. The robot works diligently to keep the wedding from happening.
This movie does ignore a lot of things in order to keep the plot moving along. I kept wondering how Brainard created an intelligent flying robot the size of a football. Brainard also ignores the need for nuclear elements to power his flubber, with the attendant problems associated with nuclear materials. The missing of the wedding seemed an excessive plot detail, and I found that portion of the plot distracting.
I think the original "Absent-Minded Professor" movie remains superior to the remake. However, if you ignore that this movie is a remake and you are able to ignore the inconsistencies, the movie has a number of very funny moments. I would consider this movie for a family library, though some of the action is quite violent and I would probably limit watching to children ages 7 or 8 and above. Good luck!

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Disney couldn't resist the temptation to remake 1961's popular comedy The Absent Minded Professor, so they cast Robin Williams as Professor Philip Brainard (a role vaguely related to the character originated by Fred MacMurray), and the result is a comedy that, frankly, doesn't fully deserve its modest success. It's admittedly clever to a point, and certainly the digitally "flubberized" special effects provide the kind of movie magic that's entertaining for kids and parents alike. The professor can't even remember his own wedding day (much to the chagrin of his fiancée, played by Marcia Gay Harden), and now his academic rival (Christopher McDonald) is trying to steal his latest and purely accidental invention--flying rubber, or ... flubber. The green goo magnifies energy and can be used as an amazing source of power, but in the hands of screenwriter John Hughes it becomes just another excuse to recycle a lot of Home Alone-style slapstick humor involving a pair of bumbling would-be flubber thieves. There's also a floating robot named Weebo and some catchy music by Danny Elfman to accompany dancing globs of flubber, but the story's too thin to add up to anything special. Lightweight fun, but, given the title, it lacks a certain bounce. Of course, that didn't stop Disney's marketing wizards from turning it into a home video hit. Jeff Shannon

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That Darn Cat (1997) Review

That Darn Cat (1997)
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I have always loved the older version staring Hayley Mills and was curious to see how the remake measured up. Need less to say, I was not impressed. More often than not, I find sequels and remakes to be worse than the originals. This is just another example and the only outstanding part I found really funny was Zeke trying to think and act like a cat.
It's likabe for kids because it's an "up-to-date" version. But in my opinion the older movie is much more entertaining, especially for adults. Besides it follows the book a lot closer than the newer production. I recommend seeing the old classic verses this one.

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Miracle at Midnight (1998) Review

Miracle at Midnight  (1998)
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I watched this outstanding Disney made-for-tv movie many, many times, and I LOVE it!!
I first saw when it premiered on TV on the "Wonderful World of Disney" show in the spring of 1998. At that time I taped it on a VHS tape off of TV, and I loved it so much that I watched it over and over many, many times.
I should have broken the security tab on the tape, but because there were still several hours of free space left on the tape (it was taped in EP/SLP mode) I thought I would wait until the tape was filled before breaking it.
Unfortunately a couple of years later, I ended up accidentally taping over this great movie with something else, thereby erasing it. I was so upset, and so I am VERY glad to FINALLY have this movie on DVD!!

Since getting this terrific movie on DVD I have watched it so many times I have lost count!! I am also going to buy the soundtrack for it too, because the music is so moving and poignant.
Miracle at Midnight is the touching made-for-TV movie based on true events during World War II. It is set in Denmark during September 1943,(the information in the Editorial Reviews is either a typo or other error)and stars Sam Waterston and Mia Farrow as Dr. Karl (Waterston) and Doris(Farrow) Koster, a Christian couple living in Copenhagen with their two children, 18 year old Hendrik (Justin Whalin) and preteen Elsa (Nicola Mycroft) during the Nazi occupation of Denmark.
When Dr. Koster learns that after three years of occupation, the Nazis are going to start deporting the Jewish people in Denmark, he and his family realize that they can no longer sit by and watch their friends, neighbors and countrymen, be taken, and dragged away to Nazi concentration camps and death camps. They decide to do whatever they can to help those in danger.
While Dr. Koster uses his position of Chief Surgeon to protect a young Resistance fighter who was shot by the Nazis, his 18 year old son Hendrik risks his life working for the same Resistance group, commandeering and seizing shipments of weapons that were sent to the Nazis.
But it all comes to a head on Wednesday, September 29, 1943, when Dr. Koster gets word that the Nazis have planned a mass arrest and deportation of all Jewish people, at Midnight on that Friday, which is the start of the Jewish holiday Rosh Hashanah.
Dr. Koster, his family, and his entire hospital staff, band together with the Resistance, and the Danish people,
realizing that they are going to have to work really fast if they want to save the thousands and thousands of innocent Jewish people in Denmark from being dragged off to Theresienstadt Concentration Camp by the Nazis.
They set up plans to find hiding places for the Jewish people, and get them safely through the initial raids, while they try to convince the Swedish government, to accept them, and find ways to transport them up the Danish coast to Sweden. As a majority of the Danes hate the Nazis, they are all willing to help, opening their homes, providing money and transportation.
While Hendrik works with the Resistance, securing trucks and other means to take Jewish people up the coast of Denmark to Sweden, his father, Dr. Karl Koster uses his position as Chief Surgeon at Christiana Hospital to hide Jews in the hospital, and his mother, Doris, and sister, Elsa, help out by letting their Jewish friends, Rabbi Ben Abrams, his wife, his daughter Hannah, and her fiance Michael hide in their attic.
Eventually the Nazis catch up to them, and the Kosters themselves are forced to flee for their lives. But before escaping, they are, in a matter of a couple of days, able to help save over 7,000 Danish Jews, in a miraculous rescue!
Miracle at Midnight is a TERRIFIC movie! It is just WONDERFUL having it on DVD! Now I can enjoy it for years to come!!

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Item Name: Miracle at Midnight; Studio:Walt Disney Video

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A Kid In King Arthur's Court (1995) Review

A Kid In King Arthur's Court  (1995)
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No matter how many times I watch this movie, or the older I get, I am still in love with it! Being a fan of the time of King Arthur, and time travel without the use of science fiction novel tactics, this movie was a thrill for me to watch!
The lead character, Calvin, is a less than popular guy back in his home town of Receda, California. When he is suddenly thrown through time with the help of Merlin, he finds himself in a completely different world. Although the plot doesn't exactly follow any of the stories of King Arthur (i.e. King Aurthur and Guinevere never had any kids, obviously. She ran away w/ Lancelot) but it has the romantic appeal of the time period, and Calvin's friendships with the king and his youngest daughter, Princess Catherine are wonderful! As it goes on, his character flaws are sraightened out and he becomes a stronger person, faced with many tasks most persons never endure. The final scene's tie it all together until he finally goes home, and realizes he can be the person he aspires to.
The film is absolutely wonderful with the adventure, romance, and humor tying togther to make a memorable occassion. I strongly suggest A Kid in King Arthur's Court to anyone who wants a great time, a laugh and a smile!

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Permanent Record (1988) Review

Permanent Record (1988)
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"PERMANENT RECORD" is the story of how a suicide affects OTHER peoples' lives. The first time I viewed this I kept trying to figure out WHY David Sinclair (Alan Boyce) killed himself. That is not the focus of the film and is barely even touched upon. I like countless other viewers I'm sure STILL really wanted to know WHY a bright, attractive, loving, popular, talented young man with EVERYTHING going for him would kill himself. We just aren't supposed to understand. LET GO OF THE "WHY?!" (very hard I know if you are at all like me! I want to know Why about Everything! Frustrating indeed!) and you will really enjoy this Amazing movie about Remembering but Moving On.
PERMANENT RECORD opens at the ocean cliffs with all the teens hanging out together. I could sense the closeness of the entire group: David, Chris (Keanu Reeves), MG (Michelle Meyrink), Kim (Pam Gidley), and Lauren (Jennifer Rubin) and others from the school--no words needed. This movie contains one of the best casts I've ever come across; acting so superb it dominates all other movie components. Everyone was fantastic; however, Chris (Keanu) and Lauren (Jennifer) give the best performances humanly possible in my humble opinion.
PERMANENT RECORD is about LIFE. (Ironic isn't it? Hmmmmm...) It's about fun and friendship, music and laughter, fear and anxiety, tension and tragedy, confusion and guilt, grief and anger, helplessness and regretfulness, acceptance and nostalgia, and finally after all those emotions have been taken to the extreme and exhausted, Then and ONLY THEN can you FINALLY MOVE ON...never forgetting though, mind you...just accepting--ACCEPTING IS SO HARD!!! I know but you can do it. You must. You must.
Chris and David's relationship was very strong and deep but I think Chris doesn't realize how much he really loved David until he was gone--maybe that is the point. And although we don't see what happens to the others left behind, it is definitely implied, to me anyway, that they go on to become Extraordinary because of the Experience. Suffering is Very Painful but a necessary part of life that will make you stronger, you'll see. It may also inspire you to do Great things once the raging, torrential, bitter storm clouds have finally...Finally...Passed.
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS MOVIE. PERMANENT RECORD is wonderful from start to finish and the ending couldn't have been better. The title of the movie says it all. It will leave a "Permanent Record" in your mind and heart that will not be soon forgotten. Please pay close attention to the song playing at the ending/credits. "Wishing on Another Lucky Star."
Another awesome movie about suicide that I highly recommmend, maybe even more than this (!) is "TRAGEDY" with Molly Ringwald, River Phoenix, Paul Sorvino, Ellen Burstyn and Marsha Mason. Get your hands on both of these movies and go through every emotion you have inside you...
Suicide isn't the answer.
Kellye Joy

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Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves (Walt Disney Pictures Presents) (1997) Review

Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves (Walt Disney Pictures Presents)  (1997)
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Remember the funny movie "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids," and the almost as funny "Honey, I Blew Up the Kid?" Well, this movie is much like those. Except in this movie there is a different wife. Oh; and there are kids missing. And now Wayne Szalinski's (Rick Moranis) brother Gordon (Stuart Pankin) has appeared. Perhaps this movie is not so much like those after all.
We quickly learn that a few things have changed for Wayne since last we visited him. The FDA has forbidden Wayne to use his shrinking machine on people. Wayne is in the process of sending his shrinking machine to the Smithsonian. Wayne and Gordon's wives are heading off to a vacation, leaving Wayne in Gordon in charge of the house.
All initially seems sort of well, except that Wayne wants to shrink a Tiki man that his wife wants to him to throw away. Predictably, something goes wrong and Wayne and Gordon are accidentally shrunk. Shortly thereafter the wives, realizing they forgot to leave medicine behind, return. Soon the wives are accidentally shrunk, and we are once again on a path for a few yucks and a few groans.
This movie is reasonably decent. Much of it seems somewhat of a retread. There are the usual moments of fear as the foursome run from a cockroach and help a daddy longlegs spider, more moments of fun in a ride on a toy car, a dip in the dip, a ride in a soap bubble, and more.
This direct-to-video movie has less imagination than the first two movies. The atmosphere of this 75 minute "full-length" feature is that of a made-for-tv movie. I did enjoy the movie, but I wish I had looked for it in a bargain bin somewhere rather than paying full price.
If you really liked the first two movies, you will likely enjoy this movie. If you cared little for the first two movies, you should avoid this one. Even if you think you might like it, the movie still feels like something made for the Disney channel. Good luck!

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Buddy (1997) Review

Buddy  (1997)
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This is a fine retelling of Dr. Doolitle, based on some true aspects of Gertrude Lintz's life. Buddy was best known worldwide as "Gargantua" after his sale to the Ringling Brothers circus in 1937 by Ms. Lintz. There was no nature preserve, and no putting him out to pasture. Buddy had been rescued by Ms. Lintz as a baby after he fell victim to an attack by a disgruntled sailor aboard the ship that was carrying him away from his home in the lowlands of Africa. The sailor emptied the contents of a fire extinguisher containing acid into the baby's face and left him for dead. Ms. Lintz bought the once valuable cargo from the captain at a bargain and nursed him back to health. As the movie shows, she raised Buddy along with a menagerie of other creatures as her own child. When he became unmanageable and dangerous, she contacted John Ringling North and Henry "Buddy" Ringling North with a proposition to sell Buddy. Their account of the meeting and sale is vastly different than anything shown in the happy ending of this movie. They characterize Ms. Lintz as an eccentric middle aged woman whose mansion in Brooklyn resembled the drawings of Charles Addams. They sat in her parlor sipping tea for a long time before John broached the subject of the gorilla. They were led to an area in the basement where they saw a man standing guard over a large wooden box that looked like an oversized coffin. The wood had been reinforced with steel, for very good reason. The box was held in place by sturdy wooden timbers on the top and both sides to prevent the gorilla from breaking free. When the door was opened they saw what was later billed as "The world's most terrifying living creature". The grossly disfigured face and hostile behavior meant that Buddy was no longer able to live outside a cage, among men. Both men knew they had to buy the creature and struck a deal to pay $10,000.00 for him. They later had him picked up at Ms. Lintz' home. Henry Ringling North made the suggestion to change his name, since his own nickname was "Buddy", to something more sensational. He came up with the name "Gargantua", adding the term gargantuan to the popular lexicon in the process. Read more about this exchange in the book "The Circus Kings" (out of print) by Henry Ringling North and Alden Hatch, Doubleday Press.

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The Young Americans (1994) Review

The Young Americans (1994)
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Harvey Keitel stars as a FBI agent in this dark and death-filled tale of gangs in London. The premise is a simple one, one that we've seen in many other mob movies. The older, established mobsters have a code of honor and try to do things the proper way. The rash, up and coming punks care nothing for honor and just want quick cash and drugs. In this case, it's an American - Carl Frazer (played by Viggo Mortensen) who is causing the trouble. The FBI has sent John Harris (Keitel) to help the London police force to shut him down.
Carl is a truly psychotic drug / arms dealer who loves to gather up lost but innocent young men, tell them that they are special, and then turn them into cold blooded killers. Carl gets his thrills from corrupting the virtuous. There are many comments throughout the movie - both by the cops and the old time mobsters - about how these young, sweet kids are having their lives destroyed by drugs and the lure of cash. In one scene, an old mob guy is attacked by two of these 'kids' who are trying to kill him. When he turns the tables on them, he refuses to shoot them - he just tells them to leave him alone.
I admit that I have a bit of an issue with this constant referring to the adult men as "kids" - they appear to be in their early 20s, they are out drinking, working, having lives. It's always tragic when someone is led astray, but to call them helpless "boys" or "kids" is marginalizing their maturity, in my mind. Maybe if they'd made the boys in the movie in the 13-15 age range it would have played better with me.
In any case, the movie is a little cardboardy. You have the crooked cops. Keitel is the hard-FBI-guy-who-is-still-tender. The mob guy is rough but tender too. Viggo is over the top as the psycho who smashes a prostitute's face in at a party because she was snorting coke instead of doing her job. His main lines and action only let him show 'moralless insanity' without many shades of anything else. Keitel got a lot of good moments and depth in his role, being tough with the bad guys, really caring about the innocent, and wrapped up in knots by his home life. Another great role was provided to Craig Kelly - he was great as the young man (oops I mean helpless boy) who first tries to avoid getting sucked into the situation, but finally has to make some hard decisions.
On the violence end, there was a lot of it. There was also a lot of loud clubbing, meaning that either your ears are being blown out by the noise or you're missing the soft dialogue because it's muddled. I usually don't have any issues at all with sound balance on a DVD so I really did find it odd how the mix was done here. Maybe that was part of the intention - to make you feel like you didn't know what was going on and were immersed in this throbbing London scene.
A great movie to watch once - either rental or on TV - before you decide if you want to actually own it.

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Justine De Sade (1972) Review

Justine De Sade (1972)
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This film just misses hitting the mark in so many ways. There are the whipping scenes which are good...but the sex scenes are weak. Especially when the monks begin to rape the victim, they wear cloaks over themselves so you see absolutely nothing. The women are hot, especially the star of the film, Alice Arno. The background classical music is especially grand and makes the whole film appear to be more elegant than one would expect from this subject matter.
The dialog is tame compared to what they "should have been saying" while they were abusing these women. I would have liked to see more realistic pain and suffering...especially when you consider this is a Marquis DeSade film!
All in all, it was quite entertaining for Capt. Freaky. And I do recommend watching it if you get an opportunity. There are moments when your girlfriend may 'dampen her shorts'....and if so, 'go for it' with her while you can! There are no guarantee's that what you are looking at will get any better in future sequences, when you are watching this French farce.

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"...I am a poor orphan girl..."Innocent orphan Thereseseeks her fortune in a wicked world where no virtue goes unpunished. Whileshe strives to preserve her precious "virtue," Therese finds every inch ofher flawless form systematically sullied as she runs afoul of depravedyoung nobles whose hounds have a taste for human female flesh; a surgeonwith a scalpel in one hand and a whip in the other; men of the cloth whokeep their female flock shorn and branded with a red hot iron; and a Countwhose concubines must give him their very blood! Will Therese finally learn"how delicious it is to be a whore?"Director Claude Pierson'sadaptation of the Marquis de Sade's catalog of hedonistic horrors starsMarco Perrin (ARMY OF SHADOWS), the lovely Alice Arno (FEMALEVAMPIRE) and her real-life sister Chantal Broquet (GOLDEN TEMPLEAMAZONS). This scandalous spectacle has been widely censored, banned, andvirtually unseen in the United States - until now, as JUSTINE DE SADEarrives fully restored and uncut on DVD for the first time ever!

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Death Note: Re-Light, Vol. 1 - Visions of a God (2009) Review

Death Note: Re-Light, Vol. 1 - Visions of a God (2009)
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...I was quite disappointed w/this DVD.
First, the good stuff: The animation of the new scenes is lovely; the colors & design are brighter and crisper than in the original anime. It's really the only reason I gave it 3 stars instead of 2. The extra scenes are interesting, but don't add that much to the original series.
OK, now the bad stuff: This is basically a clip show, following just over halfway thru the anime (where a particularly lovable character dies). It's framed by Ryuk telling the story to another shinigami. But that's about it.
I'd had high hopes for this DVD (given the description), but, alas, they were dashed [siiiiigh].
I'd recommend this for (a) Death Note completists, or (b) someone who doesn't want to invest the time in watching the entire first half of the original anime.

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"See through the eyes of a shinigami…Light and L have battled to the bitter end over the Death Note—but what does the story look like from Ryuk's point of view?When rogue shinigami Ryuk deliberately drops his Death Note in the human world out of boredom, he has no idea how far the human who picks it up will take his newfound power. With the Death Note in hand, brilliant high school student Light Yagami vows to rid the world of evil, and when criminals begin dropping dead one by one, genius detective L steps in to track down the elusive killer known as Kira. An epic battle of wits pitting one brilliant mind against another unfolds—with the very future of humanity at stake! Ryuk's not bored anymore…Go back to where it all began and watch the epic battle from a new perspective—through the eyes of the one who started it all! "

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Caligula II - Messalina, Messalina Review

Caligula II - Messalina, Messalina
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This film is not a sequel to the famous Guccione "Caligula" with Malcolm McDowell etc. It is not even a real sequel to the "Caligula" with Laura Gesmer and David Haughton (ASIN: 6303364438), which is released on video and DVD by the same company. The only connection is that they use the same sets! Caligula is not even in this movie!
This film follows the stories of the Emperor Claudius, trying to run the empire while passing gas (on doctor's orders) all the time and hopelessly in love with his wife, the Empress Messalina, who is having sex every man in Rome except her husband, a traveller who has come to rome looking for a good time, and a Roman con-man. There are several funny scenes involving sexual situations, such as the con-man convincing the traveller that a Christian's home is a brothel, and the Empress, disguised as a prostitute, attempting to act out every sexual position illustrated in pictures on the wall ("do them all and it's free...wait, I think you missed one...well, we'll just have to start over..."). It all ends in a comedic bloodbath when Claudius comes home early and finds an orgy in the palace.
For all it's eroticism, this is not a "porno" flick, in that it is not just about sex for sex's sake. It's a sex comedy, where most of the humor involves sex or sexual situations. It is also a historical farce, satirizing the Roman Empire and other Roman Empire movies. It's funny both for the comedy, and for how "bad" this movie is. It is badly dubbed, badly acted and the effects are really cheezy. Not a timeless masterpiece, but somewhat amusing.

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The Middle Passage (2002) Review

The Middle Passage (2002)
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I used this video in my sophomore World History class when we were studying the beginnings of sea trade in the 1500s. This film was a major eye opener for my kids, as well as a vehicle allowing me to learn a few new things. Most of my students knew little or nothing about where and how the slave trade began, let alone the "contribution" made to this hideous practice by those who would become our nations forbears. They do now.
This film gave us a lot to talk about and was truly both an eye opener and a paradigm shifter. An excellent film in content, both historically and cinematically. I highly recommend this to any audience with a maturity level to handle the extreme emotion evoked by the suffering and heartache laid bare on the screen. Parents and teachers - be ready to discuss some hard truths with your kids. Excellently done!

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It was the route between Africa and the New World that carried slaves to exchange for sugar and tobacco. It was the sea that carried a human cargo, a resting place for thousands who would not survive the journey. It was called THE MIDDLE PASSAGE.

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The Grateful Dead: The End of the Road - The Final Tour '95 Review

The Grateful Dead: The End of the Road - The Final Tour '95
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The final tour of the Grateful Dead was fated in many ways. It was a dark tour that forshadowed The End. This documentary accurately captures that mood of the final tour. There were some great moments, but overall, it was very sad because it focuses on probably the most negative period of the Dead's 30 year trip. The movie left me depressed. Personally, I'm glad I saw it but would rather spend my time watching some of the better moments of the Dead, like the new Grateful Dead Movie DVD that has some amazing bonus song footage. Many of us like to celebrate the Dead and the final tour does not have much for us to celebrate. On the other hand, it accurately follows what has become history and there are many great moments. My favorite part was the bonus footage of the Jerry Garcia Memorial Service. That, alone, makes this a worthy purchase for a Deadhead. But if you are unfamiliar with the Grateful Dead, this is not a good place to start.

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Music by Merl Saunders & Jerry Garcia, appearances by Babatunde Olatunji, Merl Saunders, Wavy Gravy, Bob Weir, Phil Lesh, Mickey Hart, Bill KreutzmannWritten & Directed By: Brent MeeskeFor 30 years, Jerry Garcia played guitar and sang for the Grateful Dead, and by doing so, inspired a modern cultural phenomenon – the legions of nomadic fans that made a communal way of life out of following Jerry and the Dead – the Deadheads."The End of the Road" began shooting just 3 months before Garcia's Death in 1995 – documenting ‘life on the road' with this family of bohemian wanderers – on what would be the final tour with Jerry and the Dead.That summer the road came to an end back where it all began – in San Francisco – where thousands gathered one last time for eulogies from bandmates, friends and family at the memorial for Jerry Garcia.DVD Features: Uncut Memorial Ceremony, Extended Merl Saunders Interview, Follow-up Interviews, Deleted/Extended Scenes, Original Press Kit

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After the Sunset Review

After the Sunset
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The soundtrack is fun, playful, varied, sexy and sun splashed, much like the film. The songs range from the bouncy and light Lyttle's "I Got It" to the much hard edged Rank's "A Who Seh Me Dun". Highlights are the insanely giddy, joyful and danceable "The Pineapple Song" by Good Size that plays over the credits in the film, the sexy rhythmic "Mr Boombastic" by Shaggy (listen for the Marvin Gaye "Let's get it on" riffs), the faster driving chanting fun of "Cobrastyle" by the Teddybears, Rupee's wonderful mix of joy and mourning in "You Never Know", and the sheer shivery throaty sex appeal of Maria Rita's "Agora Sa Falta Voce".
The Amazon track listings are incorrect. It omits The Pineapple Song which is track #7. And lists two songs that are not on the soundtrack: Gal You A Lead and Wah Di Time.

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Small Soldiers (1998) Review

Small Soldiers  (1998)
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For pure entertainment value and eye-candy alone, I really enjoyed this film. The acting was good, even though the plot was full of holes and the script had some extremely cheesy lines. It was good to see Phil Hartman on screen, but his talent was wasted in this flick - his character was a minor one and he didn't get many lines.
The premise: a military defense contractor expands its boundaries by buying up a successful toy company, hoping to put surplus chips to use by remarketing them as toys.
Two races of action figures - soldiers (human) and Gorgonites (totally dissimilar to each other, from the planet Gorgon, both are programmed to be mortal enemies. The soldiers are programmed to win, the Gorgonites are programmed to either hide or lose.
Apparently no testing takes place before they hit the shelves and the soldiers are ruthless, ripping the Gorgonites limb from limb.
They decide that children who play with Gorgonites must also be destroyed, as they are perceived as being collaborators with the enemy. Needless to say, this is entertainmen for grownups, not for little ones.
The chips that are used in them give them artificial intelligence - the ability to learn and to create new weapons using anything they find. Almost like "Universal Soldier" along with the passion and emotion.
Archer, protector of the Gorgonites, is the true heartwarming character of the film. He is homesick for Gorgon, and even though the planet only exists in the mind of the toymakers that marketed him, he longs to be home.
Alan, a boy trying to re-earn the trust from his parents, has a hard time proving that toys are the ones wreaking havoc until they are caught in the act.
In the end, it becomes a literal fight to the death between the small soldiers and the children and their parents.
The film falls short in that it doesn't know if it's a farce, a parody, a comedy, an action flick or a drama. They try to put in way too much, so most of it falls flat.
The scenes with the attacking Barbies is more creepy like "The Stepford Wives" than it is funny, even though you get the jokes in what are supposed to be comic relief moments.
Still, this is well worth watching for the animitronics and for sci fi concepts.

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Disney's Learning Adventures - Mickey's Seeing the World - Mickey's Around the World in 80 Days (2005) Review

Disney's Learning Adventures - Mickey's Seeing the World - Mickey's Around the World in 80 Days (2005)
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My son loves this movie. Mickey not only introduces the world map, he also teaches a little about different cultures, music, and says hello in each language. Then he teaches different climates and helps figure out which animals live in them. There's also a little lesson about friendship, plus a lot of extras like games. We love this movie!

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