CARGO Review

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Cargo is a German speaking film (with English subtitles), for the most part set on a space craft bound for the outer limits of the solar system. Complications arise and secret plots are revealed, before heroes steps up and do what must be done (apparently). The film is quite descriptive and has little spoken exposition, which means if you're a non German speaker you need to pay attention or else you'll be lost. The film looks very good and has much atmosphere, and with the exception of a few scenes, the CGI is fantastic. The film borrows much of its atmosphere and look from Alien and Aliens (including some musical themes and "scare sounds", and even one or two scenes), and a major part of the story is influenced by another big Science Fiction franchise of the not too distant past (I won't reveal which one so as not to spoil the plot). Despite what some reviewers have said, the plot is original enough to make a good story, although it isn't particularly dramatically acted (i.e. people do not act very theatrical, which in my book is a good thing). There are one or two strange logical inconsistencies in the film, such as space stations needing to generate artificial gravity by spinning while the space craft apparently does not, and people tend to wear clothes and carry weapons from the 21st, or even 20th century, but these are minor points that does not distract from the story.
A film needs to be rated according to its premise and the budget, which was 5 million Swiss francs in 2009 (which I figure was about equal to $5.000.000 back then), and for that budget you get a LOT of good SciFi here. There isn't much bad to be said about this film, really, and it is well worth buying. I give it "only" four stars because it isn't as engaging as it could have been and some people might find it a bit slow (which is probably a homage to 70s movies, as well as to 2001: A Space Odyssey).

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