Now You See Him, Now You Don't (1972) Review

Now You See Him, Now You Don't (1972)
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Disney has done an admirable transfer on this movie....something that is sadly lacking on many of its live action features. The picture is beautiful...probably the best I've seen thus far from Disney. (I'm not sure what the other review meant concerning a "fake widescreen", as I found all the original picture information to be there.)
The real negative about this release? NO EXTRAS! Nothing! Not even a trailer. Frankly, this is a movie that begs for explanation of how certain special effects were performed.
But at least I'll give Disney credit on this one for tranferring a picture the right way. Now if they'd only do it for "The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes", and other great old movies.

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Item Name: Now You See Him, Now You Don't; Studio:Walt Disney Video

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Spy Hard (1996) Review

Spy Hard (1996)
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Leslie Nielsen is Dick Steele, code named Agent WD-40. When his deceased girlfriend's daughter, Barbara Dahl, (both played by Stephanie Romanov), is captured by the evil General Rancor (Andy Griffith), Agent Steele is sent to rescue her and to stop the General from his evil plans. With the help of the beautiful Veronique Ukrinsky (Nicolette Sheridan), there is a 'slim and remote' possibility that they might succeed! Will the duo be able to save the world? Also starring is Charles Durning as The Director who has a love for 'camouflage and disguises', Marcia Gay Harden as Miss Cheevus (say her name real fast ;), Barry Bostwick as Norman Coleman, and Elya Baskin as Professor Ukrinsky.
Just looking at the names of the characters, I'm sure you suspect that this movie will have lots of puns, silly jokes, slapstick comedy, and stupid scenes. Your right! It's amazing how much silliness could be incorporated into this movie which parodies all forms of spy and action movies! The jokes at times work well though at times they fall completely flat. Also the same jokes are used a lot and come off a bit boring after many repeats. But some scenes do come off right and made my family roll off the couch laughing! Some of my favorite scenes:
*Leslie Nielsen's 'kung fu' against the Russian agent.*
*Leslie Nielsen and Nicolette Sheridan making those ridiculous faces at each other in the airplane!
*The last 'battle' with the good guys versus the evil guys.
But ultimately, 'Weird Al' Yankovic's opening credits is the best part of the whole movie! It was so extremely funny, he makes fun of some of 007 movie's opening credits. I gave this movie an extra star because of the great 'Weird Al' Yankovic.
So, to put it all together, "Spy Hard" is nothing special though it has many entertaining qualities to it. Expect lots of silliness and stupidity. On the good side is that the movie is one 1 hr. and 20 min. lots, it does not get too boring and repetitive. I recommend the movie for those who love this type of slapstick comedy. The movie is rated PG-13 because of crude humor and some sexual humor. For this reason I recommend parents to see this movie before showing their children, but I suggest that very young children shouldn't watch "Spy Hard".

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Here's the outrageous comedy hit that blends high-tech adventure with high-spirited humor for nonstop laughs! Big-screen funnyman Leslie Nielsen (NAKED GUN 33 1/3, AIRPLANE!) is the hilarious Agent WD-40, lured back into service by The Agency. Teamed with the sexy agent 3.14 (Nicollette Sheridan -- BEVERLY HILLS NINJA), he's sent on his hardest mission ever ... to stop the evil General Rancor (Andy Griffith -- TV's MATLOCK) before he destroys the world! With high-flying laughs and high-voltage action, SPY HARD is the wackily entertaining comedy hit that has audiences everywhere howling!

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The Love Letter (1998) Review

The Love Letter (1998)
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This wonderful Hallmark Hall of Fame television film was adapted from a short story from the master of time travel novels, Jack Finney ("Time and Again", "Time After Time", "About Time", "From Time to Time", just to name a few). This story by Finney delves once again with time, in that a modern-day young man named Scott (played by Campbell Scott) discovers a letter hidden in a secret compartment of an antique desk that he had just purchased. The letter (as well as the antique desk) belonged to a woman named Elizabeth (played by Jennifer Jason Leigh) who (at the time of her writings) is living during the civil war.
Scott becomes so enchanted by the letter that he ends writing to her, and after some obsession, and on a lark, actually decides to mail his response at a post office with historical significance using an authentic-period one-cent stamp. Shortly thereafter, and to his utter astonishment, he discovers a second letter in the hidden compartment. This letter turns out to be her reply to his letter...and thus begins a fascinating relationship of two people falling in love, but separated not by distance, but by 130 some odd years of time.
Although this may seem to be a "You've Got Mail" with a time twist, it is really more similar to "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir" and "Somewhere in Time". Believe me, if you liked either one of those films, you'll love "The Love Letter". This fantasy/drama pulls you in and keeps you pleasantly entranced all the way to the end. While this film does suffer a bit from situations handled too simplistically, I'm such a sucker for this type of film that I quickly forgave these missteps.
Both Campbell Scott and Jennifer Jason Leigh were pretty good in this film, but the standout performance (and the one most believable) was Daphne Ashbrook who played Scott's fiancée.
While this small film may pale in comparison to the typical big budget Hollywood films, it is, nonetheless, a film I think you will be delighted to have in your collection. My main concern, however, is the quality of the dvd. I've had difficulty with dvd's by Artisan Entertainment before, and so I did with this one (blurry on certain scenes and pretty jumpy). If you've had good luck with them (could be my player), by all means go get it (or maybe it might be wise to get the VHS instead). Between 1 and 10, "The Love Letter" (which feels like a breath of fresh air) deserves a solid 8.

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The Outer Limits (The New Series) - Season One (1995) (1995) Review

The Outer Limits (The New Series) - Season One (1995) (1995)
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Thanks MGM for finally releasing The Outer Limits on DVD in seasons - starting with season one, instead of only offering collections by various themes. I was not alone in holding out for DVD by seasons, and refusing to start collecting by the theme collections they are offering.
This is a must have for any serious collector of The Outer Limits! Many of the episodes from season one I had not seen in quite awhile, and a couple I can't remember at all.
Although there is nothing really spectacular in the format of the DVD menus, or in the special features, I did find the special features informative. The episodes themselves are what make the collection a good one.
When I used to watch these on TV, I got used to hearing the words "Please Stand By" at the end of the opening where it says "...You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the deepest inner mind to the Outer Limits - Please Stand By." - Somehow I still expect to hear that "Please Stand By", but it is a small thing, and obviously Standing By is not necessary for very long when watching on DVD :)
It was great to see some of the actors and actresses that played in some of the episodes, such as Leonard Nimoy in I, Robot - And Robert Patrick in Quality of Mercy. Fans of the Dead Zone, will also recognize Nicole DeBor (Sarah Bannerman on the Dead Zone) from the same episode. Fans of La Femme Nikita, will recognize Alberta Watson (Madeline) from the episode, "If these Walls could Talk"
If you are only interested in time travel or in aliens or another single theme, you may be best off getting just that theme, but if you are a fan of The Outer Limits in general, I recommend getting season one of the New Series on DVD.

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Harry Potter Interactive DVD Game - Hogwarts Challenge (2007) Review

Harry Potter Interactive DVD Game - Hogwarts Challenge (2007)
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Although the graphics and concept are good, the responsiveness to the arrow keys makes progressing through the game nearly impossible. This is the worse game I've ever played on a DVD. It's certainly not worth the money.

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Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead (1995) Review

Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead (1995)
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Scott Rosenberg's script for "Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead" skates the edge big time in this 1995 film. There are times when what comes out of the mouth of his characters is on a par with Elmore Leonard and Quentin Tarrantino, but there are also moments when the verbiage becomes so dense that the film loses momentum. But whether you think that Rosenberg comes out ahead in the end or falls short, I can guarantee you that you will never forget what it means to "Buckwheat" somebody and that "Boat drinks" will sound like a great idea until the day you die.
The situation in "Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead" is that Jimmy the Saint (Andy Garcia) and his buddies know there time is coming to an end any moment. Jimmy runs a business where dying people get to videotape words of wisdom from beyond the grave to their loved ones. Throughout the film we get to see clips from such tapes, and if you do not know who is going to appear on the last one then you are not really thinking ahead on this one. This might be a good idea but it is a lousy business and Jimmy has been losing money and what he owes is now due to the Man With the Plan (Christopher Walken), a psychotic paraplegic who knows exactly how Jimmy can work out his debt.
A widower, the Man's son has been arrested for trying to molest a young girl on a school playground in broad daylight. The Man thinks that the son will get himself right again if only he can get back together with his old girlfriend, but she has a new boyfriend. Jimmy is order to pick up the boyfriend when he comes back to Denver and "brace" him. So Jimmy rounds up the old gang to do the deed and makes the mistake of picking Pieces (Christopher Lloyd), a projectionist at a porno theater who has lost a couple of digits to leprosy, and Critical Bill (Treat Williams), a psycho who has not beaten up a live person in years because he blows off steam by pummeling corpses, out front.
Suffice it to say that things go wrong, horribly wrong ((if you see parallels between this film and "Reservoir Dogs" I should point out that director Gary Fleder made a point of telling people that Rosenberg's script was written long before Tarrantino's film was made). This is why Jimmy and the boys are dead because the Man is going to have them killed. And not just killed. The famous hit man Mister Shhh (Steve Buscemi) is coming to town to not only kill the boys, but "Buckwheat" them (short version: lots of pain and suffering before death). Fortunately, we do not get to see too much of the actual Buckwheating, but the idea of it is enough to make you start cringing every time another one of the gang goes down for the long count.
Beyond the obvious complication that Jimmy feels bad about causing the imminent deaths of his friends, which he tries to do something about without success, he has a couple of romantic entanglements. Jimmy has just fallen for Dagney (Gabrielle Anwar), making sure there was as little time between their first and second date (because there is no kissing on the first date), and he knows that the Man knows about her. But Jimmy also has a soft spoke for Lucinda (Fairuza Balk), who might be a hooker but he does not like it when johns take advantage of her, especially now that she is pregnant.
We have no reason to believe that Jimmy can get out of Denver let along the end of this movie alive. The rules of the game are too clearly established here, and there is a retired gangster at the local diner (Jack Warden) who helps to fill in the gaps. The question is whether Jimmy can put together some sort of moral victory before the lights go out, and while there are certainly moments when this film is too damn cute for its own good, I appreciate it when a character listens to me screaming at him what he has to do to payback the Man before the end and actually does it.
It took me a while to get around to this one, but it is nice to see that Rosenberg has shown surer footing nearing the edge in the scripts he has written since then for "Con Air" and "High Fidelity." Fleder has gone on to direct "Kiss the Girls" and "Runaway Jury," both of which are improvements on this effort as well. "Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead" is not a first level example of the modern film noir, but it aspires to be and it has some moments. Plus, you have Christopher Walken showing how menacing he can be when nothing works below the neck, which is certainly good for something as well.

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Sexy Andy Garcia (WHEN A MAN LOVES A WOMAN) heads an outstanding all-star cast in this riveting and highly original thriller! When a powerful mob boss (Christopher Walken -- PULP FICTION) gives ex-gangster Jimmy the Saint (Garcia) one last job, it's an offer he can't refuse! But when someone gets killed, Jimmy and his partners are marked for death, leaving Jimmy just 48 hours to put things right for his buddies and the woman of his dreams (beautiful Gabrielle Anwar -- SCENT OF A WOMAN)! Acclaimed by critics nationwide, THINGS TO DO IN DENVER WHEN YOU'RE DEAD delivers sensational edge-of-your-seat entertainment!

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Graphic Sexual Horror (Special Edition) Review

Graphic Sexual Horror (Special Edition)
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This is an unblinking journey into a taboo world. I found it fascinating and stereotype-shattering to hear the models speak for themselves about their motivations and experiences, and to see the artistic vision of the founder of The dynamics of power and money at this porn site seem little different than any other workplace. Barbara and Anna have shone a bright light into a dark corner of our society without judgement. Congratulations to them and thanks for offering this to us. See it! I laughed and cringed, but come away with my preconceptions turned upside down.

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Dinosaurs - Inside and Out - 4 HOURS AS SEEN ON DISCOVERY CHANNEL Review

Dinosaurs - Inside and Out - 4 HOURS AS SEEN ON DISCOVERY CHANNEL
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The "Dinosaurs Inside and Out" DVD contains four episodes: "Renaissance of the Dinosaurs," "Land of the Giants," "The Killer Elite," "And Then There Were None." The DVD might be better named "Paleontology Inside and Out" because each episode describes more about how paleontologists research dinosaurs than about the actual dinosaurs. Anyone who wants to be a paleontologist or who wonders how they work in the field and in the lab will find the DVD very worthwhile.
The first episode, "Renaissance of the Dinosaurs," gives a brief history of paleontology and describes some of the very important finds, like Jack Horner's "Egg Mountain." Research to uncover the very first Triassic dinosaurs in Argentina is covered late in the episode.
The second episode, "Land of the Giants," describes how paleontologists study the giant Sauropods of the Jurassic to estimate their weight and how much land area it tool to support the eating habits of a large Sauropod. Other paleontologists study Sauropod trackways to see how they interacted and calculate how fast they could walk.
The third episode, "The Killer Elite," describes how paleontologists find and dig up various Theropod dinosaurs like T. rex and the raptors. The legal battle and auction of "Sue" the T. rex is covered.
The fourth episode, "And Then There Were None," describes various theories about why the dinosaurs became extinct and how paleontologists are researching the extinction. The episode describes how climate change, disease and a killer asteroid could have brought about the end of the dinosaurs.
In 1998 I would have given this DVD five stars. But I bought this DVD, pre-release, from in May 2009 and was very disappointed to find that while the DVD is copyrighted 2009, the episodes are copyrighted 1997. I was expecting to get some of the latest information about dinosaurs but that's not going to happen with information from the last century. So, I took one star from the rating because the information, while good, is dated.
Generally, the program production quality, like the photography and narration, is very good. But there are a couple of exceptions. There are a few clips of computer generated dinosaurs that are reused in the various episodes in an attempt to show living animals. Thankfully, these clips are very short because they are very amateurish even by 1997 standards. The running T. rex is particularly laughable. If these clips were longer, I would have removed another star from the ratings.
Some of the music, like the main theme and some background music, sounds like it came off the shelf of a free electronic music library. It sounds like what you might expect to hear in a zero budget movie or porn flick. That's kind of surprising given that these episodes are Discovery Channel productions.
If you want to see how paleontologists work and aren't concerned about the latest research like dinosaur genetics, buy this DVD. But if you want more up-to-date information on dinosurs, you should buy the Discovery Channel's "Essential Dinosaur Pack."

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Shattered Dreams (1990) Review

Shattered Dreams (1990)
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I read the book, found it interesting and then wanted to see the movie.
They did a good job telling the true life story of Charlotte Fedders and her life as a young woman growing up in Towson, Maryland and the limitations on women in the 50's, 60's and 70's before equal rights for women.

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Auschwitz - Inside the Nazi State (2009) Review

Auschwitz - Inside the Nazi State (2009)
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Movie: ***** DVD Transfer: ***** Extras: *****
A unique and highly informative 6-part documentary that examines the establishment and development of the Auschwitz-Birkenow concentration camp within the historical context of the Nazi's changing strategies and goals during the Second World War. Using historical photographs, filmed re-enactments, recent interviews with both survivors and perpetrators, and computer models based on recently discovered blueprints of the camp, the filmmakers painstakingly trace the evolution of Auschwitz from a detainee facility built to house Polish prisoners, to a forced labor camp, and finally, to an infamous and horrifyingly efficient factory devoted to mass murder. Brilliantly and movingly narrated by actress Linda Hunt (Oscar-winner for "The Year of Living Dangerously"), the 4-1/2 hour series is intellectually stimulating, educationally astonishing, and emotionally overwhelming as it attempts the almost impossible task of explaining the incomprehensible. That "Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State" succeeds so well in its mission is a testament to the commitment and skill of the filmmakers.
The DVD also includes a revealing interview with filmmaker Lawrence Rees, who produced the series; and a series of six short interview segments with Holocaust and genocide authorities, each of which is hosted by esteemed journalist Linda Ellerbee. These interviews, originally designed to air as companion pieces to the six parts of the documentary, are invaluable tools in providing modern day context to the lessons and legacy of Auschwitz, and a framework in which to consider the ongoing horror of genocide. Literate and immensely powerful, this 2-disc DVD set is most highly recommended viewing for those wishing to educate themselves about one of the darkest chapters in all of human history.

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Shall We Dance? (1997) Review

Shall We Dance (1997)
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I see over one hundred well-written summaries on these pages, with an average five-star rating. While adding my rave review to the list, I ask the question: Why tamper with perfection? The US-made re-make is about to hit the screens with A-list cast Richard Gere, Jennifer Lopez, and Susan Sarandon. I know for a fact that a large majority of the U.S. population will never watch a subtitled film, so I can understand the reason for re-making it. However, I think everyone who has written here will agree that there's no way this Gere/Lopez/Sarandon re-make will capture the spirit of the original, certainly not the two driving forces that propel it.
First, there's the drudgery of the Japanese millions of others Tokyo-based wage slaves, Koji Yakusho's unhappy accountant takes his hours-long train ride home each evening, beaten down a bit more by his lot in life. He spies a dance studio, a dancer...and slowly - night after night - develops a small dream. The night he finally decides to get off the train is a magnificent scene...there's a complete struggle going on inside his body to hop off and stay off that train. I wonder how the re-make will possibly capture even a smidgen of that angst.
Second, there are the strong mores of Japanese society and the overrriding ethos of "the upright nail gets hammered down." In the U.S., to a large extent, the spirit of the individual endures - if you want to dance, you dance. In Japan, not only is Koji Yakusho's character battling himself, he's battling his country's perception of his decision to dance, which basically can be summarized as: "Guys don't." Again, I challenge the re-make to capture this tension.
I will point out that I'm not dead set against any re-make: I'm a big fan of the Argentinian film "Nueve Reinas," and thought that 2929 Entertainment's recently released "Criminal" really compared quite well to the original. Still, I urge those of you with any interest in seeing the upcoming release of "Shall We Dance" to do yourself a favor and invest 118 minutes in the original, a great look at Japanese society.

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Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (Snap Case) (1995) Review

Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (Snap Case) (1995)
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Most movie sequels I've seen were bad remakes of the original. But UNDER SIEGE 2: DARK TERRITORY delivers some excitment, holding your attention.
Steven Seagal reprises his rule as the Navy cook/martial arts champion serving knuckle sandwiches to hijackers who take over a train. Seagal's in top John Wayne form, speaking slowly and softly and not saying too much. And as in the first film, he's at times funny, with one wisecrack you won't forget. ...
Eric Bogosian adds flavor as a slimey villain, another reason UNDER SIEGE 2 rises above the average sequel. Bogosian matches the high-energy performance he gave several years ago in the movie TALK RADIO.
Is it a Hollywood law to cast women as only sex objects or victims? Katherine Heigl fills the role of the latter in UNDER SIEGE 2. Despite her good looks, she plays Steven Seagal's niece - not his love interest. I suppose that's something you would not predict. But sure enough, the villains capture Ms. Heigl and it's up to Uncle Steve to save her pretty little head.
See UNDER SIEGE 2: DARK TERRITORY. It's a cut above both action flicks and sequels.

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Five Mile Creek - The Complete First Season (1983) Review

Five Mile Creek - The Complete First Season (1983)
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This is where Nicole Kidman got an early start!
I grew up watching the videotapes of File Mile Creek. This is a unique alternative to the wild West of America. It is set in the Australian Outback during the height of the gold rush. The series is loosely based on the Louis L'Amour book, The Cherokee Trail. This is a great family mini-series and the characters are so interesting.
Kate and Maggie run Five Mile Creek, the waystation for the coach line. They are aided by Paddy, the Irish doom-and-gloom blacksmith; Ben, the horse wrangler from the States; Hannah, Maggie's preteen daughter; and Sam, an orphan taken in by Kate. Con and Jack are partners in the coachline, the Australian Express. Their fussy banker, Charles Withers, keeps the purse strings tight. (Later, we are introduced to Nicole Kidman as the sheep herder, Annie. But this is in one of the last seasons.)
The episodes included in Season One are:
Making Tracks- We are introduced to the people who will make up the crew of the Australian Express coachline and the Five Mile Creek waystation. Maggie and her daughter, Hannah, arrive in Australia in search of her wayward husband. Con Madigan arrives with the coach to meet his Australian partner, Jack Taylor. And Kate Wallace is abandoned and left to run the waystation all by herself.

Horses for Courses- Learning to live in a wilderness & getting the coachline off and running.
Love Before a Fall- Life is complicated by stolen gold and a mysterious drifter, for whom Kate falls in love with.
A Few Surprises- Jack contracts a deadly fever that can only be cured by a native potion.
The Scrub Bulls- Jack & Con look to expand the business but have to deal with a stubborn squatter. Maggie's school is off and running as she learns a terrible secret about her husband.
Bang the Big Drum- A naive peddler comes through the area and the ladies go shopping.
Gold Fever- Gold fever sweeps through the Five Mile Creek area bringing prospectors and the worst lawbreakers, "bushrangers."
Annie- A pregnant woman goes into labor at Five Mile Creek, complicating Maggie's life as she deals with her husband's sudden re-appearance.

Home and Away- Maggie has to decide whether to stay in Australia or return home.

The Awakening- Jack's first shipment of gold is stolen and Kate takes care of a very sick Aborigine family.

The Prize- Jack and Con step into the boxing ring to secure a contract for the Australian Express.

Tricks of the Trade- Bushrangers threaten a shipment of currency. Sam's foster parents arrive to take him. Kate is told she must be married in order to adopt him and a proposal comes from the unlikeliest of sources.

Thanksgiving- The American holiday looms as Maggie gets word of a tragedy and a feud erupts between the partners.

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Journey back to the booming Australian gold rush of the 1860s, a wild Outback frontier, and the spirited pioneers who aim to tame it. Now for the first time on DVD, enjoy every episode of the trailblazing first season of FIVE MILE CREEK, which chronicles a story of outlaw bushrangers, ruthless government troops, and the challenges of making an emerging stagecoach line a rip-roaring success. Filmed entirely on location -- your whole family can experience the adventure, courage, and heart of these enterprising young settlers as they meet one incredible challenge after another.~~

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Private Lessons (25th Anniversary Edition) (1981) Review

Private Lessons (25th Anniversary Edition) (1981)
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Private Lessons is one of the top grossing independent films of all time pre-Miramax. Private Lessons was released in 1981, starring Sylvia Kristal, Eric Brown, and Howard Hessman(W. K. R. P. in Cincinnati). Private Lessons was the first in a genre of soft core, teenage, wet dream, pictures.
Originally, based on the novel, Philly by Dan Greenberg. Originally, the story was supposed to be a horror story with a blackmail plot, but when Silvia Kristal was cast the producers decided to turn the story into a sex comedy.
Alan Myerson, Dan Greenberg, and Howard Hessman handle the commentary on the DVD. Generally, they reminisce about what a pain this movie was to make, but generally they say it was a good experience.
I liked this movie, but just to let you know, it has been altered from the version, which is on VHS tape. It has also been revealed that Silvia Kristal had a body double, her name is Judy Helden.
However, Ms. Helden only appears in two scenes in the movie, and they are not the famous scenes which those of us in the 35 to 40 age group, who love the movie all know. Miss Helden's scenes appear towards the end of the movie, where we see aroused nipples on a breast, in one shot of the backside that does not match up with Sylvia Kristal's.
If you are a fan of Sylvia Kristal's, you will like this movie. If you are 35 to 40, and you can remember when this movie was released. You will probably like this movie. I will close this review with a question. Do you want to feel like you are 15 again?

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The Ten Commandments (2006) Review

The Ten Commandments (2006)
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In terms of adjusted box office, Cecile B. DeMille's 1956 film "The Ten Commandments" is the fifth biggest grossing movie of all time, ahead of "Titanic," but behind "Gone With the Wind," "Star Wars," "The Sound of Music," and "E.T." There was a sense in which that film, with the parting of the Red Sea sequence, was the first big special effects film. Of course, the story of how Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt had more going for it and that story is certainly worthy of further examination. Yes, "Prince of Egypt" was a musical, but it also focused more on the relationship between Moses and Ramses, who were friends growing up, rather than the rivalry we saw between Charlton Heston and Yul Brynner. Now we have this 2006 mini-series. The good news is that it does try to tell us a different part of the story in its second half, but the bad news is for every step forward there are steps backwards, and on balance this version does not come out ahead.
The mini-series aired in two parts, with the end of Part 1 being the parting of the Red Sea (not a real cliffhanger). The first part moves through the story of Moses from the night he floated down the Nile in basket to that moment in front of the Red Sea at a fast clip. Moses (Dougray Scott) grows up, kills an overseer, goes off into the desert, saves Jethro's sheep and marries his daughter, sees the burning bush and is back in Egypt telling Ramses (Paul Rhys) to let the Hebrews go. The plagues of Egypt come quickly as well, and there is a clear suggestion of how the frogs, locust, etc., were related to the Nile turning to blood. This Moses is not raised alongside Ramses, but Menerith (Naveen Andrews), the natural son of the princess, and they are the brothers who are torn and who face each other at the edge of the Red Sea. Moses has enlisted his brother Aaron (Linus Roache) to speak for him, and this version deals more with the reluctance and doubts of Moses, more so as the leader than as the deliverer of the Hebrews out of bondage.
This is little in the first half of "The Ten Commandments" to justify having made the mini-series. The only things that stood out where the idea that God wants Moses to work out some things in his own mind and the scene where Moses is forced to work as a slave, which this time is after he returns to Egypt. What is important in the first part is the idea that even before their deliverance, the Hebrews challenge the leadership of Moses. However, after the conclusion of the parting of the Red Sea the rest of the second half is devoted to the period in which the Hebrews wandered in the desert before reaching the Promised Land. This is where this version of "The Ten Commandments" starts to tell a different story, for a lot happens in the hour between the Red Sea and the Golden Calf. There is manna in the wilderness and turning the slaves into an army. Above all this there is the need for Moses the Deliver to become Moses the Law Giver. However, the impetus for this transition comes from a melodramatic irony that smacks of soap opera more than scripture.
Time and time again I question what Ron Hutchinson, who won an Emmy in 1989 for writing "Murderers Among Us: The Simon Wiesenthal Story," is doing in this story. At one point Moses is training the army and Joshua (Karim Salah) refuses because he sees being a solider as an admission of not having faith in God. Moses then tells what must be the oldest story of how God helps people; certainly it is an older version of the one Karl Malden tells to Jed Bartlett on "The West Wing." The relevance of the story to the point being made is lost because we cannot believe Moses is telling this story. However, this is a Moses who is not a cool and commanding presence. His doubts and lack of resolve are arguably the biggest reasons why the people doubt God; they have problems believing in his messenger.
I have always been bothered by the Hebrews challenging the idea that their God WAS God during the Exodus. What happened at the Red Sea should prove the point once and for all. The manna in the desert and Moses smiting a rock to bring forth water might be "minor" miracles, but they are nothing to scoff at and reminders of everything God did to get them out of bondage. Being freaked because Moses has gone up on the mountain and you think he is not coming back is one thing, but making the Golden Calf is a really bad idea. Hutchinson sticks to the book of Exodus and covers the slaughter by the sons of Levi that was the bloody aftermath of the great sin the people sinned.
This becomes the final act before the denouement where Moses sees the Promised Land but is not allowed to cross over. Hutchinson does play with Biblical chronology, because the battles they fought are covered in Numbers. However, my final complaint is not about chronology but rather that the story essentially ends with the slaying of the three thousand men, and not as Exodus does with the construction of the tabernacle and the ark, symbolizing the renewal of the covenant, which I find to be the more important part of the story. I would have preferred seeing this version of "The Ten Commandments" be restricted to what happened after they crossed the Red Seas; after all, the Hebrews forget the evidence of the power of God. The other half of the min-series could have covered the history of Numbers and Deuteronomy, the part of the Exodus that remains to be told in such a format.

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The Ten Commandments unfolds with all of the spectacle, violent human drama, and grand inspiration that have earned it its distinction as the greatest story ever told. When an oracle prophesizes that a child will become Prince of Egypt, a time of danger approaches the kingdom. The Egyptian Pharaoh orders the massacre of all newborn males. But one child, Moses--the son of a Hebrew slave--escapes certain death when he is set adrift on the Nile. As years pass, he is raised in a royal Egyptian household and, with no memory of his family, rises to the stature of prince. Upon discovery of his true heritage, and inspired by a fiery message from God, Mosesembarks upon a noble and desperate fight to reclaim his destiny as the leader and liberator of the Hebrew people. With a stellar cast that includes Mia Maestro and Golden Globe winner Omar Sharif, The Ten Commandments is unsurpassed in its vision--both intimate and grand. DVD Features include: The Making of "The Ten Commandments", Closed Captioning.

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The Penguins of Madagascar: Happy King Julien Day (2010) Review

The Penguins of Madagascar: Happy King Julien Day (2010)
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This DVD includes 8 Julien-Filled missions: The zoo celebrates 'King Julien Day'; Jungle Law means Julien is Jungle King; Julien steals a helmet that makes anything you think happen; Julien meets an angry kangaroo; A sick Julien leaves Maurice in charge; Julien tries to befriend the Penguins; Julien loses his crown; and Julien gets jealous of plush Mort dolls.
Which means the disk will contain
* Happy King Julien Day!
* Jungle Law
* The Helmet
* Assault & Batteries
* Kingdom Come
* ?????
* Crown Fools
* Operation: Plush & Cover

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Thriller - A Cruel Picture (1974) Review

Thriller - A Cruel Picture (1974)
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Mere words cannot express my excitement for this release! "Thriller: En Grym Film" aka "Thriller: A Cruel Picture", "They Call Her One Eye", "Hookers Revenge", etc, is one of the most sought after cult classics ever. Fans have had to tolerate blurred and wash out VHS bootlegs lacking subtitles for years, but that is all about to come to an end with this beautiful presentation of the film uncut on DVD thanks to Synapse, the company who brought us the awesome "Vampyros Lesbos" DVD among others.
First about the film for those who haven't seen it: Gorgeous Swedish cult siren Christina Lindberg plays Frigga who cannot speak after a childhood trauma. One day she misses her bus and accepts a ride and later a dinner date, from a rather shady character who kidnaps her. After getting her hooked on heroine, he forces her to work as a prostitute, and gouges her eye out when she refuses her first client. Frigga saves her money and pays for lessons in martial arts, race car driving and shooting, before taking her revenge on those cruel customers who used and abused her and her pimp.
As the title suggests this is one viciously bleak film. From the barren wind swept Swedish landscape and eerie electric score to the hard core sex scenes and eye gouge scene which was created using a real cadaver, "Thriller" is a truly potent cult shocker. A lot of the credit for the films impact must go to Lindberg for her brilliant performance. She draws the viewer in right from the beginning, making us feel her silent suffering and savor her revenge. Her color co-ordinated eye patches were later ripped off for Darryl Hannah's character in "Kill Bill", but this is the real deal. Lindberg is a truly striking and unforgettable cult figure, carrying a shotgun and dressed all in black she is enigmatic and certainly makes shameless plagiarizer Tartino's work look pale by comparison.
As mentioned above, this is the first DVD release ever. From early reports, Synapse's DVD transfer is stunning. Not to mention that they have gone all out to give fans some great extras:
New 16:9 Anamorphic Transfer (1.78:1)
Uncut, Uncensored Version with ALL the Sex and Gore!
Original Swedish Language or English Dub Options
Optional English Subtitles
Extensive Still Galleries of Rare Behind-the-Scenes Photos, Including Many Candid Nude Photos of Christina Lindberg on the Set!
Original TV Spot and Theatrical Trailers
Alternate Harbor Fight Sequence Reconstructed from Rare Vault Materials
THRILLER: A CRUEL LAB MISTAKE - Rare Photos Detailing an Unused Fight Sequence Ruined by the Film Lab During Production
THRILLER: "The Story in Pictures"
Actor/Director Filmographies
Chapter Selections
In conclusion, while this film certainly isn't for everybody, it is in my opinion the single most important cult DVD release this year! Unfortunately this DVD edition is limited to 25,000 units, so I would suggest preordering now!
P.S. 4-disc "Dawn of the Dead" is another must own!
I got a copy of the DVD today and though I'd add a few first hand comments to the review I'd already written now that I have personally seen the DVD. Hope it's helpful......
As soon as I opened the case I was imediately impressed with the gorgeous color insert containing linear notes and some nice photo's of sweetheart Chirstina Lindberg. The menu's on the disc were cool and exploring them I found all the great special features promised. The photo galleries were especially good, I really liked the cute shots of Christina relaxing on set in between takes.
The picture quality is great, while being overall a little soft (a few seconds seem to have being taken from a deteriated print) the colors are rich and vibrant. After only seeing the film on sloppy bootleg VHS copies, indeed viewing Synapse's DVD is as though viewing the film for the first time, stunning!
Once again, I cannot recommend this one enough.
Thank You Synapse!

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This is the film that Quentin Tarantino (Director, KILL BILL VOL. 1 & 2, PULP FICTION, RESERVOIR DOGS) called "the roughest revenge movie ever made!"… THRILLER – A CRUEL PICTURE is finally making its U.S. DVD debut in this Uncensored Limited Edition. With only 25,000 units in the total DVD production run, this cult gem will soon be gone forever! Order now so you don't miss out on THE exploitation DVD release of the year! Growing up mute after a childhood sexual assault, a young girl (played by beautiful cult starlet Christina Lindberg) spends years working on a remote farm. After missing the bus one day, she is picked up by a suave young man who takes her out to dinner, drugs her and forces her into a life of drug addiction and prostitution. Torn away from home, she rebels against her captor only to have one of her eyes gouged out as punishment (in a scene rumored to have been filmed with an actual corpse). After learning of the death of her parents and fed up with the cards life has dealt, she trains herself in the fine arts of fighting, killing and revenge. Transformed into a one-woman killing machine (and armed with a sawed-off shotgun), she uses her new skills to enact bloody revenge on those who have done her wrong. Synapse Films has painstakingly restored THRILLER – A CRUEL PICTURE from original vault materials to bring you the totally uncensored version of the ultimate revenge-exploitation movie! Originally released in the U.S. in a heavily truncated form as THEY CALL HER ONE EYE, THRILLER is presented here with all the graphic sex, violence and action intact. Over 20 minutes of additional footage has been restored!

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