Marquis De Sade: Dark Prince (1997) Review

Marquis De Sade: Dark Prince  (1997)
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Im fed up! I can't rely on the movie industry to put out a reasonable, (purely)fact-based representation of the Marquis' life!I actually had high hopes for this movie bacause it was said to be based on the true story. SORRY! TRY AGAIN! I was apalled!Bad acting, bad directing, horrible story line, and low budget. Thats not even all of it. When are the creators of movies going to realize that enough happened in his life that its not even nessesary to make things up? Theres no way in [heck] that the things that happen in this movie could have happened, so why proclaim it "based on a true story"? It's clear to me this is not so, and that he is merely a character in a line of events (so distorted and rearanged!) based on a loose description of De Sades' life (with some conveinient changes).I'm sorry, but I thought this movie was atrocious, and I once again wait to see a biographical movie worthy to carry his name.

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Adult Version of Jekyll & Hide (1971) Review

Adult Version of Jekyll and Hide (1971)
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Being a fan of all things "Dr.J/ Hyde" I sought out this curio for the sheer novelty of the thing. It's definitely not for everyone (buy YOU aren't everyone or else you wouldn't be reading this review!!) so the cult-film fanatic will enjoy. Basic story with the good doctor discovering Dr.Jekyll's old diary. That's basically the story with the doc transforming into a beatiful babe about mid-way through. Some masochistic violence (Hyde-style) ensues. Cool T&A throughout. The three rating is for good cult-film style fun, with 1 star for "Ms.Hide"?

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Kill the Scream Queen (2008) Review

Kill the Scream Queen (2008)
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First, let me set you straight. I love horror from 1920's silents up to the down n' dirty sadistic slashers, gut-munching zombies, and so on. This film along with numerous others that have come along in the last ten years or so seem to delight in just tons of nudity(which I don't mind) and torture scenes with no story whatsoever(which is unforgivable)!!! I know that this is the same gripe Ebert gave to Friday the 13th., but those types of films at least tried to give an iota of suspense. These films just want to shock you as to how far they can go, and let the director's film their own sick adolescent desires.
All I can say is that there is some beautiful girls who take off almost eveything. That would be the only draw because there is really no gore(some fake amateur blood) and I do not get off on rape. Some plot about luring girls to a snuff film audition was incredibly stupid. What girl is going to audition for a snuff film?
I really can't say anything else about this incredibly steaming pile of s***!!! I know this review will incite others to curiosity, but there is nothing here. The only people who could enjoy this type of "horror" is very disturbed teens with dysfunctional family lives.

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Quick & The Dead (1987) Review

Quick and The Dead  (1987)
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If you believed great western films died with the passing of John Wayne, I have news for you - this western is every bit as good as those of the Duke.
Based on a story by Louis L'Amour, "The Quick and the Dead" is a fast-paced western about Duncan and Susanna McKaskel and son who are traveling across the continent to settle near the Big Horn Mountains in 1876. Escaping their violent memories of the Civil War, they run into Wyoming Territory where a man (and in this case, a woman) settle their problems with a gun. They are befriended by a nomadic western ranger, Con Vallian, who is reminisient of John Wayne's character Hondo. Mr. Vallian (Sam Elliott), takes a personal interest in the wife of the pilgrims, Susanna McKaskel (Kate Capshaw). Not wanting harm to come to Susanna, Vallian becomes their guardian angel, as they are pursued by eight ruthless theives that are intent on taking everything they own and having their way with Susanna.
Sam Elliott's role as Vallian is an admirable 5-star performance, which establishes him as a premier western star in the post John Wayne era. Sheperd brings his character to life with his deep resonant voice, his glowering smoldering eyes, and his ruggedly handsome good looks. Elliott's Vallian is a pragmatic character who would not mind taking over husbandly duties with Susanna, should anything happen to her husband Duncan. As the story unfolds, Vallian builds a grudging respect for Duncan, seeing the steady grit inside the man.
Kate Capshaw plays Susanna McKaskel, and is the obvious reason for Vallian's interest in the family. Capshaw is truly a strikingly beautiful woman; however, she is also a strikingly good actress and carries off the part of a pioneering woman with ease. Her performance matches Sam Elliot's scene for scene.
The story unfolds quickly and there is a level of tension thoughout the movie that keeps you in your seat. You will not be disappointed in this movie. I intend to move it to my "keeper" movie shelf with my other western classics. It deserves its place there.
Jim Konedog Koenig

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Little Rascals in COLOR Box Set (3pc) Review

Little Rascals in COLOR Box Set (3pc)
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The Little Rascals in Color is a three DVD box set that consists of the following three DVDs:
Little Rascals: Best of Spanky
Little Rascals: Superstars of Our Gang
The Little Rascals: Best of Our Gang
Each of the three DVDs is excellent, and you can read my reviews on the specific DVD pages. The advantage of this is that you can save quite a bit of money by purchasing this three pack. It costs half of what each DVD would if bought separately.
The Little Rascals/Our Gang shorts are available in the original Black and White and for the first time in Color. The color versions are great, the quality of the whole set is some of the best I've seen, and in a market crowded with sub par releases of the Little Rascals, it is nice to be able to pay a few bucks more and get a nice set with great quality shorts. There's also some great bonus features, some fun shorts, some interviews with the kids after they're grown up, a few old timey news reels and other fun stuff.
There are 15 shorts included:
-Fly My Kite
-A Lad An' A Lamp
-The Kid From Borneo
-Hi Neighbor
-Hide and Shriek
-Our Gang Follies of 1936
-Washee Ironee
-Shrimps For A Day
-Night N' Gales
-School's Out
-Free Wheeling
-For Pete's Sake
-Divot Diggers
-Waldo's Last Stand

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Transworld Skateboarding - Sight Unseen (Video No. 12) Review

Transworld Skateboarding - Sight Unseen (Video No. 12)
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One of the best skate video's ever made in my opinion (and ever since watching the Bones Brigade Video Show I've seen most of them), it's worth buying for John Cardiel's mind-blowing part alone!
The version you can buy ...(produced by Redline) whilst being amazing does not have any of the extras that you get if you buy this DVD from a skate shop (or direct from TWS), so it's up to you - 40 minutes from here, or an hour plus (including a guide to the accordian with Matt Hensley, outtakes, photo gallery, chomp trailer and alternate edits) if you get the "real" version....

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The twelfth video from AOL/Time Warner's TransWorld Skateboarding and the third collaboration between producers Jon Holland and Greg Hunt, this video features some of the best skating locations as well as the fantastic footage of: John Cardiel, Dustin Dollin, Tosh Townsend, Henry Sanchez and Heath Kirchart. Guest appearances by Arto Saari, Bob Burnquist and Tony Hawk.

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Hunt the Dogman Review

Hunt the Dogman
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This is one intriguing piece of documentary filmmaking. John Johnsen (Grendel Films) is a veteran producer/director/cinematographer/videographer of nature films and has taken viewers who generally don't know his name on many excursions into the back country to see the lives and behavior of bears, cougars,elk, and all manner of woodland creatures; all of the recognized,scientifically named and catalogged,academically-approved-of
types of fauna. Now,officially in retirement, though, Johnsen has begun stepping out of the "factual parameters" set by scientific orthodoxy and headed off in the "Monsterquest" direction.
Collaborating initially with Marlon (M.K.) Davis,the photo analyst who has done so much on the 1967 Patterson-Gimlin Bluff Creek bigfoot film footage, he launched Grendel Films with a documentary short on Davis and his bigfoot work.
Then he met a writer-woodsman-Fortean researcher from western Kentucky named Bart Nunnelly and documentary project number two was soon up and going. This time the subject was NOT something anthropologically debatable, but, rather, something just plain WEIRD. Yet this something weird came as anecdotal accounts of strange encounters across parts of the U.S. by average Americans, common folk,who avow doggedly to have seen
things that are just NOT supposed to be.
We are essentially talking what seem like "were-creatures" here, and entering the realm of Linda Godfrey's books "The Beast of Bray Road" and
"Hunting the American Werewolf". Fortean strangeness. We encounter here two folkloric Kentucky "monsters" (neither of which is Bigfoot); the "Spottsville Monster" of Henderson County, which terrorized the Nunnelly family in the 1970s, and the "Beast of the LBL" (Land Between the Lakes), another "something" that has a legend trailing back to the days of Daniel Boone and which may---MAY----have slaughtered a family of campers in Kentucky in the early 1980s.
Johnsen's movie features Bart Nunnelly (author of the Amazon-available book "Mysterious Kentucky"), covering old "stomping grounds" where his Spottsville beast once roamed, a Nunnelly ex-neighbor (now a minister) who well remembers his own sightings of this terrifying creature (as well as shimmery "portals" where it may have intermittently entered and exited OUR version of "reality"), writer-researcher Linda Godfrey, speaking of "wolf things" in general, and paranormal researcher Jan Thompson, giving a harrowing recounting of her own run-ins with what may well have been the infamous
LBL beast.
There are no fancy graphics in this documentary, no CGI, and no "Unsolved Mysteries"style re-enactments. What there IS are people telling their stories. Powerfully.Effectively. This is a very good piece of indie documentary filmmaking on a shoestring. Give it a look. I think you'll be surprised.

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The Terminator: Hunters and Killers (Digital Comic) (2005) Review

The Terminator: Hunters and Killers (Digital Comic) (2005)
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I'm big fan of these comic DVDs. They take the actual comic book images/stories and create anime-style movies that you can sit back and watch on your television. Amazon also has these for the Micronauts and for Marvel superheroes such as X-Men, Hulk, and Daredevil among others which I recommend anyone should check out. These DVD are inexpensive, high quality, and can even be a reading tool since the dialog/narration text remains on the screen as it is spoken just like the look of a comic book.

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In the year 2029, SKYNET and its Terminators find themselves on the brink of defeat at the hands of resistance leader John Connor. Half a world away in the wreckage of what was the Russian republics, human resistance fighters wage war against SKYNETâs computer network counterpart MIR. However, a new breed of Terminator has been created, this time copied from actual people along with their memories and personalityâ¦and nearly impossible to detect. These Terminators are on a mission to capture the last remaining rogue Russian submarine and its intact nuclear payload, preventing mankind from using the arsenal in a deathblow.

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Mad About the Boy Review

Mad About the Boy
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This is not the hottest soft porn movie I have ever seen, but it is definitely one of the best. The fact that the movie is made up of four stories--based on real letters telling the stories of how these four different relationships began and what their status was at the time the letter was written--adds a real human element that is sadly lacking in many of the soft porn films out there. Out of the four stories only one of them had a sort of unhappy ending, so that made me happy because I am a romantic and love happy endings. One of the stories was a gay version of "Pretty Woman," which makes me wonder if the person, who sent the letter in, was just having fun writing a short story, but that is totally irrelevant, it was a very sweet story and I enjoyed it very much. I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone who is interested in this kind of movie. Mike Esser, who directed the movie and narrated the stories, has made some of the best soft pornography I have ever seen. Out of all the soft porn videos that I have seen, I have, by far, enjoyed his the best.

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American Pie 2/Beneath the Crust Vol. 2 (Unrated/Full Screen) (2001) Review

American Pie 2/Beneath the Crust Vol. 2 (Unrated/Full Screen) (2001)
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This is a great DVD set. It features both classic American Pie movies, widescreen, special editions. Also, they're both Unrated. I should tell you now, if you haven't seen the movies, this review contains some spoilers.
For the first movie, the Unrated and R-Rated versions have so little difference that if you've only seen it once, you probably wouldn't notice. The only difference that stands out is the famous pie scene. I feel, however, the original one was funnier. The cover promises "more pie," while what we see is a different version of pie. There are five seconds of extra Nadia scenes in which she.... uh... pleasures herself. There is more moaning during the Vicky/Kevin scene. The..... stuff... in the beer is clearer (I honestly didn't notice). That's basically it. No, wait! There's a few more pages to the "sex bible."
Doesn't sound like much, does it? Well, it isn't. But, the Unrated version of part two more than makes up for it. There are at least fifteen, repeat: FIFTEEN differences in this. These even include whole new scenes! Part one only had about 10 seconds of extra footage. This one has six minutes. And all the added scenes are really funny! There is a very special one featuring Jim and his dad in the hospital. Also, a bit more in the "lesbian" scene. Stifler boots some kids out of his house, and criticizes (sp?) Oz's choice of girlfriend. There's tons more, but I think I missed some. Believe me, this Unrated one is great!
So, anyway, both are Unrated in this excellent box-set. I don't mind #1 being like that. If I bought them separate, I'd probably just get the Unrated. It has better cover art. But, the one for part two is awesome, and is the only one that should be watched. This is a great set. They're both Collector's Editions. I don't care. The "Ultimate Edition" of part 1 is ridiculous. There's almost nothing new, except some deleted scenes and a full-screen version, and nobody should watch full-screen stuff.
Buy this great set. It's worthy, and you'll watch them over and over again!

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Special Bonus DVD "Beneath the Crust" contains new material. The filmmakers and crew discuss the origins of the series and reminisce about "American Pie 2." Also featured are scenes from "American Wedding." (30 mins) Original American Pie 2 DVD contains: Commentary by director, producer, writer and cast Theatrical trailer(s) Outtakes Widescreen anamorphic format

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Muppet Movies DVD 4-Pack (The Muppet Movie / The Great Muppet Caper / The Muppets Take Manhattan / Muppets from Space) (1979) Review

Muppet Movies DVD 4-Pack (The Muppet Movie / The Great Muppet Caper / The Muppets Take Manhattan / Muppets from Space) (1979)
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I'm giving this box set of Muppet movies four and a half stars instead of five only because they didn't include Muppet Treasure Island or the Muppet Christmas Carol in this pack, which are also great Muppet movies!!
I grew up watching the Muppets. Now in my twenties, I get a kick out of watching them all over again with my kids! They are so funny! I can't believe how many adult jokes are in these films that went completely over my head as a child! I laugh at these movies just as much as my kids do (if not more!)
They are all great movies. My favorites are The Great Muppet Caper and Muppets from Space. But all four are excellent!
The Muppet Movie is The Muppets first full length feature film! Kermit heads out for Hollywood after being discovered by a big time talent agent who tells Kermit that he is destined to be a star. Along the way to Hollywood, Kermit makes friends with the cast of loveable Muppets: Fozzie Bear, Gonzo the Great, and Miss Piggy. Together they decide that they are going to be famous movie stars and embark on a journey where they run into other famous movie stars: Bob Hope, Edgar Bergen, Milton Berle, Mel Brooks, Dom DeLuise, Elliott Gould, Steve Martin and more!! But the evil Doc Hopper starts chasing after them because HE wants Kermit (or, his legs anyway) to do the advertising for his Frog Legs company! When he kidnaps Miss Piggy, Kermit rushes to the rescue and falls right into Doc's trap! Now they have to find a way to escape and still get to Hollywood before Doc makes Frog leg soup out of Kermit!!!
The Great Muppet Caper is full of action, adventure, and humor! Kermit, Fozzie Bear, and Gonzo all work for a Chicago newspaper and travel to Great Britain and vow to get to the bottom of the robbery of Lady Holiday's diamond necklace - and end up meeting a ton of Muppet friends along the way! There are special guest appearances by: Jim Henson, Frank Oz, Dave Goelz, Jerry Nelson, Richard Hunt, Steve Whitmire, Loiuse Gould, Kathryn Mullen, and more!
Muppets Take Manhatten is a story about an aspiring Broadway director, Kermit the Frog... He has written a musical that includes all of his Muppet friends and he has finally found someone who will produce it on Broadway!!! But, a week before opening night, Kermit gets hit by a car and smack his head on the ground and gets AMNESIA! Kermmit doesn't know who he is or where he is, so he creates a new life for himself and gets a job at an advertising agency on Madison ave. Now his Muppet friends can't find him and the clock is ticking down to show time! The hunt is on - they turn over every rock of Manhatten looking for Kermit... can they do it before the show is completely ruined??
And finally, in Muppets From Space, Kermit takes a back seat for a change to Gonzo The Great! Gonzo begins to feel left out of the loop - he has no family members and really has no clue of who he really is. But when he gets a message from his relatives from outer space that they are going to come pick him up, he tries every way possible to try to communicate with them! Everyone thinks Gonzo has lost his marbles - but when word gets out on Miss Piggy's talk show, UFO Mania, a secret government agency captures Gonzoi and will do ANYTHING to find out when his alien relatives are coming to earth! So it is up to his best firends: Kermit, Rizzo, Foozie bear, and the hilarious Pepe to save Gonzo and make the earth safe for his relatives to land!!! Special guest appearances by: Ray liotta, Andie MacDowell, David Arquette, and more!

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The Joy of Erotic Massage DVD Review

The Joy of Erotic Massage DVD
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My husband and I liked this video a lot. It teaches good massage technique and mixes up your repertoire as well.

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Destroy All Monsters (1969) Review

Destroy All Monsters  (1969)
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This is one of the greatest Godzilla movies ever produced, but this DVD version is far from perfect. Unfortunately, this is just a re-issue of the same DVD released a few years ago. The film transfer is exactly the same as the one previously released by ADV films, which has a recently re-dubbed mono soundtrack. The ADV soundtrack is much inferior to the one originally produced for American International Pictures in 1968, which featured an excellent voice-cast and a different script. Apparently the AIP version can't be published because the ownership rights are in limbo. Based on the cover notes, I bought this DVD believing it had the original AIP voice-tracks. No such luck. The folks at ADV deliberately stretch the truth. The cover art claims it's the "50th Anniversary Special Edition", but Destroy All Monsters was made in 1968, which makes this DVD issue the 36th anniversary for the film (in 2004). The 50th year, is a reference to the first Godzilla movie "Gojira" made in 1954, but the text makes no mention of Gojira or Godzilla. It also claims to contain "The original motion picture and soundtrack", which is misrepresentation. The original film was Japanese language, and this DVD isn't even the original English version. I would've been a lot less disappointed if they had at least given this version some chapter stops and stereo audio (which there isn't). There's not even a menu for this low budget version. If you try to hit the chapter advance button, the movie starts over from the beginning. There's no menus, no extras, no subtitles, no secondary audio tracks, no trailer, no nothing. The only thing that's different from ADV's first issue of this movie, is the cover art and the addition of a music CD. The CD contains 30 mono-audio music tracks from the movie soundtrack. The music score is wonderful, but the audio is not stereo and the fidelity is only fair. My point of contention is that ADV is trying to fool us into believing this movie has the original audio soundtrack, but instead gives you fine-print on the back mentioning an extra music CD. Buyer beware, if you already own the original release of this DVD, don't be fooled into thinking this is a different version.

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The Sick & Twisted Horror Of Joanna Angel (2005) Review

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Trial Run (2006) Review

Trial Run (2006)
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Wow! The standard for erotic entertainment went up several notches with this new Libido Films release. The tango scene alone is worth the price to me. It provided me with enough fantasy material for a good time to come (no pun intended). As a woman I really appreciate how different this film is....the plot is inventive and so is the sex. There are no speed through scenes. You'll want to enjoy every last drop.

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Mesmerized (1984) Review

Mesmerized (1984)
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The premise for the film is intriguing. It is based upon the Victoria Thompson murder trial that took place in New Zealand during the late nineteenth century. Victoria is raised is some sort of orphanage from birth. At the age of seventeen, it is arranged for her to marry Mr. Thompson, a weird, older man whom she has never before met. She dutifully marries him, and when she comes of age goes to live with him in his home, which is run by his two creepy servants. Victoria soon discovers just how weird her husband really is. She ultimately takes the bull by the horns and finds herself standing trial for his murder by the time she is nineteen years old.
Jodie Foster places the role of Victoria Thompson, as if she were doing so under duress. She takes a character that is potentially sympathetic and makes her merely pathetic, leaving the viewer cold. John Lithgow fares somewhat better, as he does a credible job playing the weird Mr. Thompson, doing the best he can with the material with which he has to work. The film, unfortunately, is choppy and poorly edited, the story so muddled as to be nearly incomprehensible. The direction seems to be almost nonexistant, as it looks like it is every man for himself.
This film was originally released under the title, "Mesmerized". Word about the film must have traveled fast, as bad news so often does. When the DVD was released, it was retitled as "Shocked". The only thing shocking about this film is that it was ever released in the first place. It is a complete travesty.
The DVD itself has no meaningful special features of which to speak. The quality of the film is very poor, grainy and fuzzy. Even the cover art of the DVD has nothing to do with the film. It is simply a photograph of a contemporary Jodie Foster. All in all, this DVD is not worth buying. The only reason this film was not rated one star was due to John Lithgow's performance. If you are not a John Lithgow fan, deduct one star.

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Barney - Musical Scrapbook (1997) Review

Barney - Musical Scrapbook  (1997)
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"Barney's Musical Scrapbook" is a show full of segments of "Barney & Friends" episodes from the 1995 season. It includes the characters: Barney, Baby Bop, BJ, Shawn, Tosha, Jason, Kathy, Juan, Carlos, Min, Kenneth, and Julie. The segments are from the "Barney & Friends" episodes: "Shawn and the Beanstalk," "Up we go!," "It's raining, it's pouring...," "Ship, Ahoy!," and "Shopping for a Surprise." It is approximately 50 minutes long and has 16 songs. This show is not a song's tape, but it is a very good show!

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